Helping Hands Outreach Program, Inc. was formally founded in 2019 after the discovery of a homeless encampment in the suburbs of Southern New Jersey.  After assisting that camp, we quickly realized the urgent need for emergency services for the unsheltered.  Those struggling to survive were in dire need of help with navigating a very confusing system of resources.

     We are 100% volunteer and 100% donation driven.  Everything that the team does is after work, school, families, church and other everyday obligations.  We are a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization.

     Our team is comprised of very dedicated individuals that come from every walk of life.  We have found that the key to our success is in building strong relationships with other agencies and the communities that we serve.  We are careful to listen to everyone's story without prejudice or bias.  Compassion is the key.  We fight to make sure that the voices of the unheard are recognized!  Nobody is forgotten!